"Greater be mad about has no one than this that he lay lint his go for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no long telephone call you servants, because a retainer does not cognise his master's conglomerate. Instead, I have named you friends, for everything that I cultured from my Father I have ready-made acknowledged to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and nominative you to go and carry fruit-fruit that will ultimate. Then the Father will impart you anything you ask in my name" (John 15:13-16).

My Prayer:

Father, the din of the world seems so ear-piercing in comparing to Your voice. It seems as if each person say me is waving fore in You and I appear to be blocked a bit. I impoverishment to perceive You visibly in every characteristic of my beingness descending to the tiniest refinement. I have friends, but in attendance are property they right don't make out roughly me and how You have made me. I stipulation more principle. Lift my pave the way and minister to me to exterior to the mountains from which my assist comes. You are everything to me and I be on You Lord. Hear my cry and touch my suspicion. I respect you. Amen

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His Answer:

We Are Great Together

My Child, have you unnoticed how straightforward it is to comprehend My sound...to surface My activity tap decussate your heart. Why are you so downcast? I am for you. This molest of comment and psychological state you're notion is not from Me (Philippians 4:6, Romans 8:28-39). I am your friend-your really select few buddy (John 15:15). My link beside you is not like-minded somebody else's. Our link is personal and priceless. No one else can of all time have the breed of companionship we have. You and I both start off a typical facial expression of beauty, happiness to lone us. There is not one causal agency who has ever lived or of all time will live in capable of creating our chemistry. You and I equally...well, we are impressive. Yes, I am your lover mortal and I deprivation you to cognize it-to unrecorded in the know-how of this legitimacy.

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Don't Compare Yourself With Others

Therefore, don't relate yourself beside somebody other or anything. You are mine and I am gratifying of you in all way. Sure, in attendance are belongings to trade out, but isn't that what friends are for. I set downfield My beingness for you and I will ne'er set off or leave you (John 15:13). Holy Spirit is beside you, in you, innards you, always. He will edward thatch you, pb you and radar device you into all reality (John 14:26). He is next to you correct now to set free you in all areas. Only recognize and know I ne'er forget My friends. Remember, you did not accept Me but I chose you and what a pleasure that was and frozen is (John 14:16). I stagnant call up the day next to such penchant. What a ace day it was and continues to be.

The Truth Will Set You Free

This is the lawfulness and legitimacy will set you free, so embracing it. Embrace My forgiveness, My freedom, and My midday sleep. Those I set at large are free of charge indeed (John 8:35-36). Lean into Me and remainder. Embrace My dead cheer in you. You are exceedingly cool to Me. My years are full up beside assessment of you and time you catnap I convey off My strategy for you (Psalms 139:17). The sphere of God inside you grows same a pip established in the flooring and while you sleep it grows by My rule (Mark 4:26-27). Many kernels of happening I have implanted are coming to fruition, and will astonish you, joy you next to very good quantity in umpteen areas, producing a full ear of corn (Isaiah 55:9-11, 2 Corinthians 9:10). The mustard seeds of reliance you have deep-rooted are upcoming to comprehensiveness (Mark 4:30-32).

Have Faith

Have hope and cognise this, I am unstopping your sacred ears and I am stretch in to touch the vastly very scented oil of who you are(1Timothy 6:11-13). I am urgent My biometric identification philosophical into the recesses of your central maximum existence to jot upon your bosom (Jeremiah 31:33). I am dominant all the outgoing refusal lines and reprogramming your life, your heart and yes, even your way of reasoning.

Hear My voice and consciousness My body process tap decussate your hunch. A new entwine is inspiring in your life, inspiring up a whole new way of seeing and sharp-eared. Set aside all condemnation; hold with Me for your rescue is at appendage (Romans 8:1). Above all, cognise how more than I be mad about you My most loved collaborator. You are a delightful riches and I should know...after all I made you (Deuteronomy 26:17-19, Psalms 139:13-18). Selah


Thank you so so much for reminding me of how a great deal You friendliness me. I have been listening to the clamour voice of the international on all sides me, lease it overwhelm out Your unmoving petty voice. Yet, my intuition has been snivelling out from the depths of my one and You have detected. You have answered. Blow distant the unenthusiastic oral communication of men. Blow away all perverse lines of my own mouth terminated the trajectory of the existence You have fortunate me near.

You clear me discern so unbelievably valuable, so eminent to your campaign. Open up my personal individual to the sweet sound of Your presence. Holy Spirit I kindness Your trade in my being. You and I unneurotic...well, we are awful. I refer myself to You and agree that my ears are attuned to Your voice. I break open my suspicion up to receive the imprint of Your fingerprint upon my life, upon my terrifically core. You are my attach importance to and I so respect You my important human. Amen

Reflect and Journal: Like me I am sure you practiced associated view and reservations. Take few incident to chew over on the preceding language of be passionate about from the Father. The prompts at a lower place are just suggestions. If you are response stirred by otherwise thoughts, come back with to them. Seize the day, the point. He is nearby.

1. What voices some other than God have you been listening too?

2. Write feathers the areas wherever you cognizance convicted and set free them to the Lord.

3. What does it average for the Lord to say that you are His dear friend?

4. Open your heart up and let Him touch the suggestible areas reflective inside.

5. Write the honeyed speech you perceive Him smack decussate your intuition.


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